11 Common Dental Problems & Treatments

This dental problem even has an official name: halitosis. The main source of bad breath is the tongue, where layers of bacteria become embedded. Dry mouth contributes further to bad breath, and since your mouth dries as you sleep, morning breath can be especially bad.
The Treatment:
Use a tongue cleaner to get rid of some of the bacteria. Of course, some foods like onions and garlic can contribute to bad breath, so consider cutting back.
Periodontitis is a serious gum infection that damages gums and, if left untreated, can destroy the gum line. Bad oral hygiene and smoking are major contributors, as well as a genetic predisposition.
The Treatment:
Improve your brushing and flossing practices at once, and if you smoke, stop. Then, meet with a dentist for a professional cleaning of the pockets around the teeth, to prevent damage to the surrounding bone. Some advanced cases could require surgery.
There are two main types of mouth sores. The first are canker sores, a non-virus caused by stress, genetics, and even some types of food. Herpes simplex virus causes the second type of mouth sore, often called a cold sore, and is transmitted orally, infecting 67% of all people under the age of 50, usually before the age of 20.
The Treatment:
For canker sores, most people simply let them run their course and they are typically gone within one to two weeks. If these sores persist for longer, talk with your dentist about a new laser treatment option.
For cold sores, antiviral creams and pills can treat outbreaks.
This can occur when gums recede or enamel thins, exposing the porous “dentin” under the enamel, which covers the nerve.
The Treatment:
Talk to your dentist to determine what specifically is causing the sensitivity. Possible treatments include: fluoride, bonding agents, or special toothpaste.
While some teeth are naturally more yellowed in hue, some foods and drinks, especially wine and coffee, can discolor teeth even further.
The Treatment:
For whiter teeth, limit your consumption of problematic foods and ask your dentist about prescribing a teeth whitening kit or recommending an over the counter treatment.
Wisdom teeth, thought to be historically necessary to replace the frequent tooth loss our ancestors experienced, now painfully crowd many modern mouths. Sometimes the teeth are impacted, other times they erupt only partially, leading to infection and discomfort.
The Treatment:
While some people have sufficient space in their jaw for wisdom teeth and never need to worry about them, others need to have them removed. Make an appointment with your dentist for this relatively simple surgery.
Often occurring when you are stressed or while sleeping, grinding your teeth shortens and blunts them, and can cause jaw problems. Misaligned teeth can also contribute to teeth grinding.
The Treatment:
Consider having your dentist fit you for a night guard, which can prevent you from grinding your teeth in your sleep. He or she can also help you try to identify and relieve stressors that seem to increase the habit.
This is a broad name for just about anything that is causing your tooth pain, but it can mean many things. You may have a cavity, an impacted wisdom tooth, gum disease, or something else entirely.
The Treatment:
Thoroughly brush and floss your teeth to remove any debris, then talk to your dentist about the specific cause of your toothache.
An uncommon occurrence, tooth erosion can happen particularly in people who suffer from bulimia. Frequent exposure to stomach acids erode tooth enamel, and, in extreme cases, may dissolve teeth all the way to gum line.
The Treatment:
Seek help for your eating disorder immediately, then ask your dentist for options to save your teeth.
An accident, sports, chewing hard foods, and many everyday activities all can cause broken teeth.
The Treatment:
See a dentist as soon as possible to see if tooth can be saved, saving the fragments in milk or water.
An improperly developed jaw or bad habits like thumb sucking can result in an overbite or an underbite. This may cause problems with speaking and chewing, and can even contribute to periodontal disease.
The Treatment:
An orthodontist or dental specialist can help determine possible treatments for your unique overbite or underbite.
Always ask your dentist about issues with your teeth or mouth to get an expert’s advice on your specific situation. You’d be surprised what your dentist can help with when you give him or her a chance.